... Thank you, John Mayer. Thank you for singing great songs and making your "o" face all night long, and for looking directly at JI more than once.
Thank you, John Mayer, for READING OUR F*ING SIGN when you only read one other sign from the Venezuelan girl who got an A for effort for squeezing in all the letters on her piece of cardboard. Thank you for making us pretty much famous infront of all the thousands of people (99% of which had wwaaaaayyy crappier seats than us) at the TD-Banknorth-Garden-Fleet-Center-Home-of-the-Celtics-Bruins-and-f*ing-John-Mayer. Thank you, John Mayer, for telling US that it was good to have low aspirations, that way we will always succeed... I knew the Yo Yo John Mayer / Read Our Sign combo would be fantastic.
Thank you, John Mayer, for having a fan club, of which Yo Yo Erin is a member, through which she scored incredibly fantastical tickets to your insanely *sweet* concert. Although you did not actually sweat on her as previously hoped, you did speak directly to us, acknowledging our presence and effort infront of hoardes of jealous concert goers (who had crappier seats, did I mention that yet??)
P.S. We will be making appointments to get either "3rd row 4 life" or "yo yo john mayer" tattooed across our nether regions. WWJD?? ( what would JOHN do??)
Thank you, 6 foot tall kid infront of me, for pretty much ruining my view of the show for most of the night with your gargantuan head. If you are over 5'8", you should be made to sit. If you're over 6 feet tall, you should have your own section where the person infront of you is seated on a little elevated pedestal, so YOU can see how it feels to be stuck behind someone with a ginormous head. (The worst part about it was that this a$$hat didn't even seem like he wanted to be there. No swaying or groovin' to the musical fantasticalness of Mr. JM. WTF??!!) Oh, and the kid beside him claimed to be the little bro of JM. Such a crock of crap.
Oh, and one more thing (for now)... Thank you, John Mayer, for singing an acoustic version of my favorite song (and yo yo erin's) especially for us at the end of the show... (be sure to note the voices over the video... can you guess who??)
you absolutely crack me up!!! I love John Mayer too and although I've only been to his concert once, I have his music going every day. Your seats sound fantastic and let me tell you your singing along with "Comfortable" sounds just as good as mine ;-)
Posted by: Kim Howard | July 18, 2007 at 09:28 AM
i seriously can die a happy girl now. john mayer TALKED to me, and you, and jayne, and jenn. and that my friend, is pretty fantastical.
so here's the setlist:
Waiting on the World to Change
No Such Thing
I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)
Dreaming With A Broken Heart
Bigger Than My Body
I Don't Need No Doctor
Why Georgia
-- encore --
I'm Gonna Find Another You
Medley was lifelines, man on the side, love soon and comfortable
ahhhhh so happy.
Posted by: erin | July 18, 2007 at 11:33 AM
Ahh! I was LOOKING for a setlist. Awesome. I can't watch the video now because I am in class, so it would be a little inappropriate, but I will check back later when I can turn the volume on HIGH. Word. Awesome photos. My fav is the one where it looks like his hand is missing because he's playing so quicky. Nice shots. :-) I want to see more sometime. Whew. Longest comment ever? Maybe.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 18, 2007 at 01:12 PM
And how was Clarity? I heard it was his fav song in that album. I would have been surprised if he hadn't played it.
Posted by: Jennifer | July 18, 2007 at 01:14 PM
you didn't really want milk ... did you?!
Posted by: erin | July 18, 2007 at 03:39 PM
So jealous! He's amazing in concert. I wanna go again. Sounds like you guys had a blast. Love that video! :)
Posted by: Shawn | July 18, 2007 at 04:02 PM
holy moly, thanks for sharing. i went batshizz after a JM concert once because he is THAT. GOOD. mmm.
Posted by: metrochic | July 18, 2007 at 06:14 PM
d'oh. that last comment leads to my vox, which isn't something i use. this should head to the right blog. i found you via sistv, btw. :)
Posted by: metrochic | July 18, 2007 at 06:16 PM
Your pictures came out great! Lucky you for being at John Mayer's concert. It sounds as though you had lots of fun. Good for you! :)
Posted by: Mary C. Anderson | July 19, 2007 at 02:02 PM
Sounds like a FAB time (aside from gargantuan-head-boy). I am eternally jealous!! :)
Posted by: steph | July 20, 2007 at 06:59 AM