Yesterday, the UPS guy (the little one, not Derek...) delivered the most fantastical package to the store... and he had no idea that he was single-handedly changing the course of history forever!!
<----- This is my book. Ok, so it's technically not my book, it's Maelynn's book. But still, I can call it mine.
Can you tell I was a little bit excited??
Good thing I had just been "tinkling with tim" before the UPS guy came, because I totally would have peed my pants. I'm not even kidding.
Erin was the bearer of the good news, as I was deeply immersed in some sort of meaningful conversation with my favorite LSS manager, Jenn at the back of the store. There was yelling and screaming and running. Erin said she had never seen me move so fast in her life. Probably a true statement. I ripped the box open and squealed with delight... until I realized that there was a possibility that my work may have been cut from the book during the formatting process.
Alas, you have no need to worry. I have FOUR layouts featured in the book.
2 x 2 + 6- 5 +1.
The number of fingers on my right hand (if you don't count the thumb... which technically isn't a finger, anyway, right?)
I had to take a brief reprieve from my regularly scheduled work day in order to fully absorb the uuber awesomeness that was taking place.
Thank you, kachina adirondack chair, for allowing me a few minutes of peace and quiet to look through my book.
Thank you, bff, for humoring me and understanding the importance of photographically documenting the whole exciting discovery process. I owe you an autographed copy of the book. Well, you'll have to pay for the book, but I'll autograph it for free.
Because I understand that some people live under rocks and are unaware of my *famous* status, I doodled a sign that is now posted on the register counter at the store.
You can visit the store and see the sign... for FREE!
If you want, you can purchase a book which are so cleverly displayed right under the sign. Those aren't free, but totally worth the $19.95. I wouldn't blame you if you purchased 15 copies for your friends and family.
I would. ;)
24 copies of the book were ordered. I'm surprised they didn't sell out in an hour... but I guess I'm not *quite* as famous as, let's say, Harry Potter. Whatever.
We're in the process of scheduling an official book signing. My agent ("Yo Yo Erin" from P-Rock/East Side Productions) will be covering the details. There will most certainly have to be a MAJOR re-order of the book before then...
Here's the most cosmically fascinating thing... when I got home from work, there was a package for me on the table. How nice. When I open the package, I realize that it contains the layouts that I had mailed to the publisher months ago. How funny is it that I get my work returned on the same day that we receive the book at the store?
So, now I will have to bring the actual layouts to be displayed at the store. We will probably have to hire a security guard, or put thim into a glass case protected my scorpions.
If you are *lucky* enough to get your hands on a copy of the book "Doodling for Papercrafters" (published by Leisure Arts), make sure to reference pages 23, 52, 61, and 88. While the whole boko is great, those four pages are the best.
I would love to post more, but I have a press conference in an hour, followed by lunch with Victoria Beckham. We're gonna eat lettuce and then have our stomachs pumped. :P
congratulations on getting published.
how awesome for you.
Posted by: ti | August 11, 2007 at 04:26 PM
Linked to your blog off the SIS site
Congrats on your recent publication, it looks like a great book to be appearing in.
Are you a Cape Cod girl working at the Hyannis store? I lived in Cedarville on the other side of the cannel and went to CCCC but currently living a long long way away from home down under in Australia. Trying to engineer a way to move back home soon, probably closer to Duxbury as we have friends and family there but always the dunes of the Cape will be ‘home’.
You have such a fun blog site here and enjoying the pics of the vineyard
Congratulations on your accomplishments & wish you the best in your future adventures
Posted by: Pearl Maple | August 11, 2007 at 04:26 PM
i need a p. rock shirt. stat.
Posted by: erin | August 12, 2007 at 01:46 AM
OMG! You are HILARIOUS! I am still giggling over here! Congratulations on being published!
Posted by: Kathy Blake | August 12, 2007 at 11:05 AM
That is so cool! Congratulations!!
Posted by: KP | August 12, 2007 at 02:08 PM
Well now, Missy Doodlepants. You're just going to have to change your blog banner to say something like: {highly entertaining} "...a blog by the very famous Missy Doodlepants Herself..." Kudos!
Posted by: Janice | August 12, 2007 at 07:26 PM
LOL! About the Posh thing! And huge congrats on the four pages!
Posted by: milkcan | August 12, 2007 at 09:18 PM
thst book looks MAJOR! your sign for the book is also MAJOR!!! what a MAJOR good time you are having with the release of "your" MAJOR book! i bow to your MAJOR doodleness!
Posted by: glenni | August 12, 2007 at 11:00 PM
OMG was I glad that the store was so peaceful when I "popped in" on Sat!! Suppose we have to call you Princess Doodlepants now!! Seriously congrats on being published reading your blogs are always a blast and real cure for the blues.
Posted by: EJ | August 13, 2007 at 12:30 AM
*sigh* can i have your *sigh* famously, famous *sigh* autograph??? can't wait to see the book...too cooool!
Posted by: Julie G | August 14, 2007 at 10:41 PM
Oh my gosh. I love you. :) How awesome it is that you are that excited and pleased with the book. I am so LUCKY that I got to use your ROCKIN' work for my book. Thank you!!!! You have been a doodling celeb in my eyes ever since I first saw your stuff. :)
Posted by: Maelynn | August 18, 2007 at 10:24 PM